Work Experience
  • ReactJS Developer @FreeWire Technologies

    12/2022 - Till Date | Newark, CA

    • Developing UI for Asset Management Platform, using ReactJS, Redux Toolkit and Material UI componnets to make the UI responsive. • Managed app’s state using Redux toolkit to reduce code complexity. • Unit tested & E2E Tested UI with React Testing library & Cypress improved reliability. • Migrating React UI to Micro-Frontends with Module Federation to made UI tech agnostic.

  • ReactJS Developer @Wells Fargo

    02/2022 - 11/2022 | Charlotte, NC

    • Migrating UI for brokerage application from HTML5 to React JS with MaterialUI to improved UI's usability and performance. • Utilized TypeScript alongside JSX to develop highly reusable component based architecture which helped maintain consistency across all pages.

  • Fullstack Developer @AT&T

    01/2021 - 12/2021 | Plano, TX

    • Dynamic visualizations using ChartJS, with GraphQL, visualized real-time data faster. • Stress testing API’s deployed on Azure, with JMeter ensured the API's ability to handle bulk requests.

  • Fullstack Developer @Discover Financial Services

    12/2019 - 07/2020 | Riverwoods, IL

    • Latest features from NextJS & Material-UI enabled developing server rendered faster SPA for credit card usage statistics. • Robust API developed using Python Flask helped generata data insights apart from providing data to the UI • Utilized the features of D3.js to design complex graphical and interactive menus • Unit tested ReactJS components with Jest and Enzyme, in TDD improved UI's reliability

  • Fullstack Developer @Barclay Card USA

    08/2019 - 12/2019 | Parsippany, NJ

    • Enhanced UI with React Hooks & Material UI, using Responsive Single Page Applications • Refactored UI with React 16.8 features like hooks to improve code without braeking changes. • Increased code coverage for UI by developing UI in TDD using React and Jest.

  • React JS Developer @Express Scripts International

    12/2018 - 08/2019 | Franklin Lakes, NJ

    • Refactored UI code by migrating the UI to React 16.8 using Hooks • Utilized ChartJS to visualize the patient data for preserving the UI performance • Unit Tested the UI using Jest - Enzyme, in a test - driven approach. • Visualized the patient data into interactive charts using ChartJS.

  • Fullstack Developer @Blue Shield of California

    05/2018 - 11/2018 | San Francisco, CA

    • Migrating UI from Angular 2 to Angular 4 helped improve UI functionality and usability • Involved in requirement gathering meetings with UX engineers to understand scope of work. • Utilized Bootstrap components to enhancee the responsive design.

  • Fullstack Developer @N2 Services

    07/2017 - 04/2018 | Jacksonville, FL

    • Improved performance by translating AngularJS controllers & services to Angular 2 components. • Validated forms on Server & Client side, with Angular 2 Template Driven and Reactive Forms. • Provided responsiveness to UI using Material Components, with adaptive styling.

  • Web Developer @Mildred Mitchell-Bateman Hospital

    01/2017 - 05/2017 | Huntington, West Virginia

    • Designed responsive UI using Bootstrap4 for viewing the website easily on any device. • Utilized Python Django handle the posts and intimate the personnel about any new maintenance requests and the pre-registered maintenance dates. • Used Django ORM managed all the equipment and user information, over SQL lite 3 DB • Utilized the Django templates to design robust user interface for the web application

  • IOT Developer @WV Aquavit - Marshall Universiy

    03/2016 - 05/2016 | Huntington, West Virginia

    • Developed a wireless sensor network using Raspberry Pi 3, Arduino. • Configured Vernier Water pH sensor to actively read and report water pH value, of Ohio River. • Utilized IBM Bluemix's computing engine to receive the water pH values and generate reports about insights on the the pH level.